Sharefunding with an ®

The accessible equity lifecycle solution for companies people belong to

GO SHARE FUND Funding with shares and sharing to fund.

Financing your business can be done in different ways. One of the ways is to borrow money, for example from a bank or crowdfunding. Another way is to fund your company with shares. Funding with shares has several advantages over financing by borrowing money. Both from a financial and a relational perspective.

Financial perspective

Do you want more cash flow and growth opportunities in your company? What if you could reinvest instead of paying off? With Eyevestor's debt-equity calculator you can now calculate the benefits of reinvesting versus paying off based on financial figures. The result? Significant benefits that not only benefit you, but also investors in the SME segment. Discover it now on our website debt-equity calculator.

Engaged AND connected

The power of stocks goes beyond just raising capital. It is an instrument that connects people and can build a community of ambassadors. Shareholders often have more involvement in the success of the company than lenders and can contribute to the growth of the company by, for example, bringing in customers.

With Sharefunding you get more than just crowdfunding. It offers an all-in-one solution to digitize and optimize your equity capital. With Sharefunding you have the toolbox full of tools to give investors a marketplace and determine different types of shareholders. Find out how Sharefunding with a ® can help you build a thriving shareholder community on our website.


At Eyevestor we are the pioneers of sharefunding and have even registered the name Sharefunding®. Our solution is by far the most complete and accessible for SMEs, scale-ups and startups. But what exactly is Sharefunding®? It goes beyond crowdfunding or other forms of financing. Sharefunding® is an accessible and accessible lifetime solution for (SME) shares and community engagement. At Eyevestor, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to invest and be part of a thriving shareholder community. Find out how Eyevestor's Sharefunding® can help your business grow on our

With Eyevestor you can digitalize your share capital and offer your investors a platform to trade your shares.

Sharefunding offers numerous advantages over traditional forms of financing such as borrowing. It lowers the threshold for investors to participate in the growth of your company and contributes to increasing the number of investors. At Eyevestor, we believe that transparency is the key to successful investments, which is why we offer investors insight into real-time registers and transactions. This increases the investor's confidence in your company and can contribute to a dynamic relationship between the company and the investors.

Unlike crowdfunding, where financial returns are the main motive, Sharefunding is based on connecting people who invest for idealistic motives with a wider range of desired outcomes than just financial returns. Through the involvement of investors in the development of your company, you build a community of ambassadors.

Eyevestor is the pioneer of sharefunding and offers the most accessible solution for both investors and companies. Whether you're an SME, scale-up or startup, we have the tools and expertise to help your business grow and thrive. Discover how Eyevestor can help your company with Sharefunding® on our website.

We would like to get in touch with you to discuss your plans and go through your best plan of action. Book your appointment with Willemijn now.