
Thank you for being able to receive your complaint

A complaint can be filed by emailing sending an e-mail to, by completing the form below or by sending a letter to:

Customer Service
Eyevestor B.V.
Europalaan 100
3526KS Utrecht
The Netherlands

For a complaint to be admissible, you will be required to leave your personal data, full reference of the investment and/or agreement to which the complaint relates, a summary of what the complaint is about, date of the facts that have generated the complaint, and the damage loss or detriment cause. The language the complaint may be filed in is either Dutch or English.

The complaint can be addressed to the Customer Service of Eyevestor. Upon receipt, Eyevestor will send you the identity and contact details, including e-mail address and telephone number, of the person to whom or to which complainants may address any query related to their complaint.

Eyevestor will also provide you with an indicative timeframe in which you get a response on your complaint. In processing the complaint, Eyevestor is committed to gather and investigate all relevant evidence and information regarding a complaint and if needed request additional information.

You will receive an answer within ten business days where the next steps will be shared. Eyevestor will attempt to resolve the complaint as fast as possible. However, Eyevestor is not in any way responsible for actions or obligations of a user. Complaints are filed and handled for free.

Complaints form

Street, house number

Full reference of the investment and/or agreement to which the complaint relates (i.e. investment reference number, name of the project owner/company and/or crowdfunding project, other references of the relevant transactions…)

Summary of what the complaint is about (please clearly specify the subject matter of the complaint) Please provide documentation supporting the facts mentioned.

Date of the facts that have generated the complaint

Damage, loss or detriment caused (where relevant)

Other comments or relevant information you wish to provide.

The Complainant can also choose to let the complaint be filed by a legal representative, in which case personal data of the legal representative should be provided including a power of attorney or other official document including the appointment of the representative.

Documentation provided (please check the appropriate box):