You can invest safely through Eyevestor

Invest safely in shares, convertible loans, bonds, and more. We conduct the legal checks – you assess whether the company suits you and if you believe in the proposition.

Eyevestor is registered in Europe

Eyevestor started in 2019 and is the only Sharefunding® platform with the European Crowdfunding licence. This licence is proof that we do everything every day to ensure you can invest safely in the companies you want to co-own, without having to doubt the authenticity of the company.
  • Eyevestor has been active with its platform since 2019.
  • Verified in Europe under the ECSP.
  • Trusted by more than 100 companies and 30,000 users.
  • Over 75 million in value delivered through more than 34,000 successful transactions.

But how does Sharefunding® work?

Sharefunding® is more than crowdfunding or any other form of financing. Sharefunding® is the accessible and low-threshold all-in-one solution for (SME) shares and community engagement. At Eyevestor, we understand the needs of both entrepreneurs and investors.
  • Entrepreneurs can manage their own mini-exchange environment (eyeventure) through us, which is linked to their business.
  • Through their eyeventure, we offer every entrepreneur the opportunity to raise growth capital on their own terms.
  • We review these terms and verify the person behind the business so that you can invest safely.
  • Have you made your investment and the payment has been processed? Then you will immediately have your shares in your Eyevestor account.

Every business has one eyeventure.

An eyeventure is therefore a business that has its own digital business environment on the Eyevestor platform. As an investor, you can hold accounts in multiple eyeventures.
  • When you are logged in with your Eyevestor user, click on 'eyeventures' (to the left of your username).
  • On this page, you will find all the businesses currently offering their shares and/or those that have done so previously.
  • Each eyeventure has up to 14 tabs with information about the business, of which 'Legal' and 'Member Types' are mandatory.
  • Orient yourself well and see which proposition suits you; investing is easy via iDEAL or a bank transfer.

Additional opportunities for co-owners

As a co-owner, you have your own dashboard where you can see all your accounts. Participate in the 'Community' of the eyeventure, view business documents, and easily vote online on business decisions (if set up by the business) or use one of Eyevestor's analytical tools.
  • Each eyeventure has a 'Community' where updates about the business are shared with its co-owners.
  • View business documents (such as minutes and annual reports) and have direct contact with the business via 'My Mail'.
  • Easily connect with like-minded individuals and participate in business decisions.
  • Click on an account, navigate to the eyeventure, and view the current price of the shares (eyecons).

Frequently asked questions

How do I start investing on Eyevestor?

You can log in via 'Login' (top right of this webpage) and create a user account (if you don't already have one). You can start investing once your email address is verified, and you can sell when your beneficiary is fully verified. This page provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a user account on Eyevestor and complete the verification process.

What is the vision of Eyevestor?

Our vision is to give companies more opportunities to operate with and from their own equity. We oppose the debt society and support the equity society. The majority of people are customers of or employees in SMEs. However, SMEs cannot do much with their most valuable product: the share. By sharing, you multiply by taking a share in each other, and thus you get an equity society. We want to open up the global equity market, one of the most inefficient and mysterious industries worldwide. We want people to invest again out of engagement and interest, in an accessible way. To invest in each other, locally and globally. Our vision – Dare to share! By sharing, you increase your reach. Eyevestor makes this possible.

What is the product/platform?

The core of the platform is very simple. It gives entrepreneurs new opportunities to sell shares in exchange for work and/or (growth) capital. With our platform services, you can easily create a community for your shareholders and make them ambassadors of your organisation.

The smart part? Entrepreneurs set their own terms for selling their shares and how actively they want to involve investors. This makes us attractive to any type of entrepreneur and business.

For example, a startup could raise capital to conduct its first pilot. At the same time, a small family business could use Eyevestor for a private sale of part of the company, ensuring the sale is safe, legal, and transparent.

With Eyevestor, anyone involved can participate and provide input from any location. We also offer a private primary and secondary market where investors can buy and sell shares from each other, again according to the established terms.

How much can I invest?

You can invest as much as allowed by the company. Companies set their own minimum and maximum investments. These may also vary by member type, as set in the company's eyeventure.

What should I know before investing?

First, you should know your own financial situation. At Eyevestor, we provide this handy tool for that purpose. Additionally, you should study whether the eyeventure provides you with sufficient information to make a well-informed investment decision. Companies in their funding rounds have at least passed Eyevestor's legal checks.

What happens to my money after I invest?

The money is always exchanged between the buyer and seller. Everyone pays to 'Stichting Derdengelden Eyevestor'. All funds are received there, and in the same transaction, the seller is paid and the buyer is credited with the eyecons. Transaction costs are paid by the party as set by the eyeventure; in more than 95% of cases, this is the company. This setup can be found in every eyeventure in the 'Legal Tab'.

Legally, we are required to have every (new) user take an investor test (takes a maximum of 5 minutes when creating a user). If the result shows that you are an 'inexperienced investor', you have four calendar days to reconsider after an investment.

What is Eyevestor's registration number with the AFM?

We find it very important to provide a fully legal platform. Eyevestor is authorised to offer crowdfunding services under the ECSP regulation and is registered with the AFM under number 32000017.

Can my sensitive information be shared with third parties?

Without written permission from the eyeventure and/or investor, no sensitive information will be shared with third parties. More information about managing your data can be found in our privacy policy.

Do I have obligations as an investor on Eyevestor?

As an Eyevestor user and co-owner in eyeventures, there are both conditional and statutory obligations to identify yourself. Your Name, Address, and Residence details must be known to the board in the register of co-owners. Therefore, ensure these are kept up to date in your profile. This is determined by law and mentioned in the relevant statutory conditions of the eyeventures.